


Proofing your ePub file with iBooks

Added by Brian Schwartz about 8 years ago

If we send you a link to download your ePub file, here's how you can proof it in iBooks:

Depending on your preference, there are a couple ways to view them.

I'd often recommend you publish it to your accounts and download it directly from each marketplace when it's live. Rest assured, you can unpublish it immediately if you have to and nobody is likely to just stumble upon it after you first publish it.

However, if you'd prefer to load them to your device(s) first, below are the instructions to do so.

Please keep in mind that different OS versions on each device will cause the apps and screenshots to vary slightly.

The directions below assume you have both the Dropbox & iBooks apps already installed on your iPad/iPhone:

Kindle edition

Previewing the Kindle edition is far more involved, so I recommend you publish it (or have us publish it for you) and then purchase it once it's live. We can set the price at .99 for purposes of downloading the preview, and then unpublish is if you don't want it live (or change the price after you purchase it).