


Phase 3: Author profile pages (Facebook, Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub)

Added by Brian Schwartz about 9 years ago

Setup and/or optimize author profile pages on Facebook, Amazon, Goodreads, and BookBub.

Facebook Group or Fan page

Service Provider shall setup fan page for author or book title on Facebook.

  • (optional) Author shall establish a personal Facebook account (if not already established).
  • Service provider will create page and assign Author as page administrator upon completion of setup.
  • Links to marketplaces where the book is available for sale will be added to the author’s new Facebook fan page.

Sample pages:

Author page on Amazon

Objective: To improve find 'ability' on Amazon and provide readers a single point to find all titles from a single author.

Sample pages:


Service Provider shall setup an author profile on Goodreads.

There are many good reasons to have an author profile page on Goodreads. One of the best reasons is because anyone can leave a review for you on goodreads. Even if they don’t have an Amazon account. Also, reviews on goodreads are not policed like reviews are on Amazon.

Sample pages:


BookBub has become one of best resources for Authors to promote their work given BookBub has spent years building a contact list of millions of active readers in a variety of genres.

Sample pages


PubWriter* provides authors a ‘blank canvas’ you maintain via Dropbox to showcase all your other profile pages and have a single contact, buy, and showcase page.

Sample pages

  1. Eric Bartosz - Bar40
  2. Warden Force by Terry Hodges
  3. Ed Duncan
  4. Robert Steele
  5. Peter Mosgofian
  6. Bert Silva
  7. Doug Garland - Author - Pre-book launch in process
  8. Jim D'Ville - Author
  9. Crashing the Party - Bestselling Author
  10. Guts 'N Gunships - Bestselling Author
  12. Joan Washburn
  13. A Sharp Turn
  14. Jon Gregory
  15. Gabriel Orion Marie
  16. Leroy Henry
  17. Marijuana Business Books
  18. Jeff Grissler
  19. Julia Soriano
  20. Paul Fichera
  21. Janene Bray
  22. Len Carpenter
  23. Chris Werness
  24. Ed Smink
  25. Michael Benjamin
  26. Michael Hotchkiss
  27. Mary Kay Stenger
  28. Winterline Stories
  29. Ted Christopher
  30. Richard Kurtz
  31. Bill Froehlich
  32. Bill Telefson
  33. Roger Becker
  34. Deborah Rose
  35. Bobby Luisi